The deployment of urban agriculture in cities raises many important, often challenging questions about public versus private land ownership, the access to food of different social classes, labor, and the practical question of the viability of feeding large numbers of people from smaller spaces and the associated carbon footprint.
As the world’s populations continue to shift to urban areas, there will be an increased demand on our food supplies. This is a problem that many disciplines – architects, landscape architects, community organizers, horticulturalists, economists, politicians and those in public health – are looking into.
Many landscape architects work within the overlapping realms of people, cities, ecology, economy and agriculture; this area is ripe for the field of Landscape Architecture to act as a leading force to help design solutions!
I’ll be posting more on this topic – the movement’s history, current systems and technologies, and critiques as well. Let me know if you have a favorite urban agriculture project and where it is.