
The Hoerr Schaudt team combines dimensional thinkers with innovative horticultural experts to make gardens that captivate at first glance and grow richer, season after season.

Michael antongiovanni website thumbnail
Michael Antongiovanni
Chief Financial Officer
Bio Image Jace Armstrong
Jace Armstrong
Designer I
Lauren Barnes Thumbnail
Lauren Barnes
Senior Associate
Joey Barr Website Thumbnail Image
Joey Barr
Designer II
Joshua Bauman
Joshua Bauman
Senior Associate
Yu chen thumbnail
Yu Chen
Designer II
Mike ciccarelli thumbnail
Mike Ciccarelli
Jess cline thumbnail
Jess Cline
Administrative Assistant
Carroll Conway Cropped
Carroll Conway
President / Partner
Chris Curnell Thumbnail Image
Chris Curnell
Designer I
Brian Davis Thumbnail
Brian Davis
Associate Principal
Erik Dayrell Thumbnail
Erik Dayrell
Senior Associate
Website headshot alison dooley
Alison Dooley
John Evans Cropped
John Evans
isra fakhruddin
Isra Fakhruddin
Designer II
Keith Bio Image
Keith Faminiano
Designer II
Nick Fobes Cropped
Nick Fobes
Meg graham website thumbnail
Meg Graham
Director of Human Resources
Rob Gray Cropped
Rob Gray
Website thumbnail 20230823 hs avery haynes 0183r
Avery Haynes
Designer I
Doug Hoerr Thumbnail
Douglas Hoerr
Senior Partner
John Hreno thumbnail
John Hreno
Associate Principal
Fengling Lynn Hu Thumbnail
Fengling (Lynn) Hu
Designer II
Stephanie Thumb
Stephanie Hunt
Director of Marketing & Business Development
Brad Hurst Thumbnail
Brad Hurst
Director of Finance
Emma Ingrassia Bio Image Template
Emma Ingrassia
Marketing and Communication Specialist
Natia Kapanadze Website Thumbnail Image
Natia Kapanadze
Associate III
Will Kegel Thumbnail Image
Will Kegel
Designer I
Website thumbnail 20230823 hs michael killeen 0059r
Michael Killeen, PLA
Senior Associate
Thumbnail Image GK
Gabriele Kolemainen
Accountant II
Lauren Konney Thumbnail
Lauren Konney
Senior Associate
Thumbnail Image ML
Mia LaFond
Designer II
Website thumbnail 20230823 hs kent laurisen 0021r
Kent Lauridsen
Studio Director
Thumbnail Image DL
Dave Lawrie
Senior Associate
Jingyi liu thumbnail headshot
Jingyi Liu
Designer I
Website thumbnail 20230823 hs shuyue liu 0030r
Shuyue Liu
Designer I
Matthew maccietto website thumbnail
Matthew Macchietto
Associate Principal
Ana Mangino Website Treated Image
Ana Mangino
Designer II
Sheida Marahemi Thumbnail Image
Sheida Marahemi
Designer II
Keegan Mc Guire Thumbnail
Keegan McGuire
Associate IV
Bio Image Kaia Mc Kenney
Kaia McKenney
Richard Meagher Update Headshot for Bio
Richard Meagher
Designer I
Bio Image Eric Mersmann
Eric Mersmann
Associate Principal
Christian Moore Website Thumbnail Image
Christian Moore
Designer II
Cory Morris
Cory Morris
Associate Principal
Bio Image Will Napier
Will Napier
Designer I
Jason Thumb
James Navratil
Senior Associate
Aaron Oneill Headshot Treated
Aaron O'Neill
Designer II
Whitney website thumbnail
Whitney Parker
Studio Coordinator
Leila pleyber web thumbnail
Leila Pleyber
Associate III
Studio Cropped 1 new file 2 simon2
Simon Prunty
Annie Purcell Thumbnail Image
Annie Purcell
Designer II
Website thumbnail 20230823 hs priya ramanujan 0030r2
Priya Ramanujan
Designer I
Website thumbnail 20230823 hs ethan rosenblum 0014r
Ethan Rosenblum
Associate IV
Chanelle Russ Website Thumbnail Image
Chanelle Russ
Associate III
Julie Sajtar
Julie Sajtar
Associate Principal
Thumbnail Image ES
Emily Serchen
Designer II
Logo placeholder bio
Jared Slaven
Associate Principal
Rachel smith
Rachel Smith
Designer II
Website template 20230823 hs allen spulecki 0027r
E. Allan Spulecki, PLA, RA
Associate Principal
Ryan 2 Thumbnail
Ryan Steer
Associate Principal
Thumbnail Image Template SS
Stan Szwalek
Austin travers thumbnail
Austin Travers
Associate III
Website thumbnail heather tryggestad
Heather Tryggestad
Eric Van Dreason Website Thumbnail Image
Eric Van Dreason
Designer II
Justin website thumbnail
Justin Verbryck
Senior Associate
Kaitlyn Thumbnail Image
Kaitlyn Vreeken
Designer I
Jennifer website thumbnail
Jennifer Wang
Designer I
Shawn Weidner 2 Thumbnail
Shawn Weidner
Ann Weiland Thumbnail
Ann Weiland
Associate Principal
Zara wirkus website thumbnail
Zara Wirkus
Associate III
sophie wolber
Sophie Wolber
Studio Coordinator
Bio Image Catherin Xie
Catherine Xie
Stephanie Zawada Thumbnail
Stephanie Zawada
Senior Associate
Monica Zimmerman Thumbnail Image
Monica Zimmerman
Designer I