In 2007, Hoerr Schaudt, in collaboration with PLANT Architect, Shore Tilbe Irwin + Partners, and Adrian Blackwell Urban Projects, won an international competition to revitalize aging Nathan Phillips Square. Phase one transformed the bleak Podium into a park so versatile, resilient, and hospitable that its aesthetic appeal now has no “off” season. With 40,000 square feet of vegetation, it has become Canada’s largest publicly accessible green roof garden, and it attracts a healthy share of Nathan Phillips Square’s 1.5 million annual visitors. Rows of oblong planting trays lay out a striped tapestry whose right angles set of City Hall’s two curved towers and circular Council Chamber. Specifying tray modules in both four-inch and six-inch depths for different soil profiles enabled Hoerr Schaudt to weave together perennials, bulbs, and grasses that can cope with Toronto’s climatic rigors as well as a broad spectrum of sun exposure.